Maison / Machine de nettoyage du côlon / Machines d'irrigation du côlon à vendre

Machines d'irrigation du côlon à vendre

Machines d'irrigation du côlon à vendre
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    Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale

    The Descriptions of Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale:

    Machines d'irrigation du côlon à vendre, également connu sous le nom de nettoyage du côlon ou irrigation du côlon, est souvent pratiqué comme une forme de médecine alternative. Le but revendiqué de la procédure est d'éliminer les toxines, perdre du poids, prévenir les maladies, soulager la constipation, promouvoir la santé et le bien-être en général.
    Il est connu qu’une telle procédure impliquait généralement l’utilisation de « systèmes d’irrigation du côlon ». , qui sont des dispositifs médicaux initialement destinés à la préparation intestinale avant des procédures radiologiques ou endoscopiques.
    Le client s'allonge généralement sur le lit d'hydrothérapie et l'eau filtrée à température constante est pompée à travers le rectum via un tube.. Les fluides et les déchets sont expulsés par un autre tube. Un grand volume de liquide, jusqu'à 60 les litres seraient introduits dans le côlon via le rectum. La procédure peut être répétée plusieurs fois.

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    The Features of Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale:

    1. Avec tiroir et armoire
    2. Fonctionnement fiable et sûr
    3. Système complètement fermé
    4. Système de désinfection intégré
    5. Régulateur de pression d'eau
    6. Conduites d'eau avec connexions
    7. Pression et température contrôlées avec fonctions de sécurité
    8. Précis, contrôle de température réglable et vanne d'arrêt


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    Colonic irrigation, also known as colonic hydrotherapy, is an alternative therapy method that aims to detoxify the colon by flushing it out with water. This therapy has been in use since ancient Egypt, but with the advancement in technology, colonic irrigation machines have become the modern way to perform this treatment. Dans cet article, we will discuss the history, principe de fonctionnement, steps, benefits, who needs it, and the industries where these machines are used.


    The concept of colon cleansing is not new. It was first introduced in ancient Egypt and India. In the 1900s, colon cleansing became popular in Europe and North America. Colonic irrigation machines were first introduced in the 1920s.

    Principe de fonctionnement

    A colonic irrigation machine is a device that uses water to flush the colon. The machine has a water tank, a pump, and a tube with a nozzle. During the treatment, the patient lies down on a table while the tube is inserted through the rectum. Clean, filtered water is then flushed through the tube and into the colon. The machine can adjust the water temperature, pressure, and flow rate for optimal results.

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    The colonic irrigation process involves several steps:

    1. A consultation with the therapist to discuss any medical conditions or concerns.
    2. The patient lies down on a table and the therapist inserts the tube through the rectum.
    3. The therapist adjusts the machine settings for optimal results.
    4. Water is then flushed through the tube and into the colon.
    5. The therapist uses massage techniques on the abdomen to help loosen any blockages and improve water flow.
    6. The patient expels the water and any waste matter into a collection basin.
    7. The process is repeated until the entire colon has been cleansed.
    8. The therapist cleans and sanitizes the machine and table between patients.


    There are several potential benefits of using a colonic irrigation machine:

    1. Removes toxins and wastes from the colon.
    2. Improves digestion and nutrient absorption.
    3. Helps relieve constipation and bloating.
    4. Improves energy levels and mood.
    5. Reduces the risk of colon cancer.

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    Who Needs It?

    Colonic irrigation is not recommended for everyone. People who may benefit from this therapy include:

    1. Individuals with chronic constipation, diarrhée, or bloating.
    2. People who want to detoxify their body.
    3. Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (SCI).
    4. Individuals who want to improve their digestive health.

    Application Industries

    Colonic irrigation machines are commonly used in the following industries:

    1. Alternative medicine clinics
    2. Health spas and wellness centers
    3. Fitness and weight loss centers
    4. Colon therapy centers

    Become Our Dealer

    We are a team of professional colon hydrotherapy machine suppliers, grossistes en machines pour le côlon, et fabricants d'équipements d'hydrothérapie du côlon. If you want to become our local dealer or distributor, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail, Whatsapp, or leave us a message. We are always looking for new partners to expand our global reach.

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    Colonic irrigation machines offer a modern and effective way of performing colon cleansing. They have come a long way since their inception in the 1920s and are widely used in alternative medicine clinics, health spas, fitness centers, and more. If you are interested in becoming a distributor of our colonic irrigation machines, please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale Colonic Irrigation Machines for Sale

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    Vente Cousultant : Mme Lucie
    Conseiller en vente : Monsieur Marc
      en direct:lucygao1520            

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