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    Ici rapidement pour connaître l'équipement de nettoyage du côlon et TOUT ce que vous devez savoir

    Table Contents:

    • What is Colon Cleanse Equipment?
    • History Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • How Colon Cleanse Equipment Work?
    • Who need Colon Cleanse Equipment?
    • SupportComputer Systems Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • Technical Parameters MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • Software Version and Languages
    • Accessories Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • Why Choose MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment?
    • Applications Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • Colon Cleanse Equipment Price Range
    • Customer Pain Points
    • Pre and Post Colon Hydrotherapy Tips
    • Colon Hydrotherapy Training
    • Installation Steps Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • Disposable Consumables Colon Cleanse Equipment
    • Open vs. Closed Systems: What’s Difference?
    • Who need Colon Hydrotherapy?
    • What to Do Before and After Colon Hydrotherapy
    • Top 10 Brands in Market: Comparison
    • Why MAIKONG is Your Best Choice Colon Cleanse Equipment

    What is Colon Cleanse Equipment?

    Colon Cleanse Equipment, also known Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment, is design to help cleanse and detoxify colon. Through process colon irrigation, equipment uses filter warm water to flush out toxins and waste from digestive system. This treatment is often employed detox, constipation relief, and overall gut health.

    Colon Cleanse Equipment Colon Cleanse Equipment Colon Cleanse Equipment Colon Cleanse Equipment Colon Cleanse Equipment Colon Cleanse Equipment

    History Colon Cleanse Equipment

    Colon hydrotherapy rich history, date back to ancient Egyptian times. gained modern traction in early 20th century, with devices evolve from simple manual methods to sophisticated machines. By 1980s, wellness and natural health grew in popularity, colon cleanse became mainstream practice.

    How Colon Cleanse Equipment Work?

    Colon hydrotherapy works by gently flushe colon with warm, purified water. This water is introduced through rectal tube, and waste is evacuated through another tube. process usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, and is design to cleanse colon without cause discomfort.

    Who need Colon Cleanse Equipment?

    Anyone who experiences digestive issues like constipation, bloate, or poor gut health can benef from colon hydrotherapy. Wellness centers, spas, and medical facilities also use these machines to help clients detoxify and maintain better digestion. People looke holistic approach to health can also use these machines periodic cleanses.

    SupportComputer Systems Colon Cleanse Equipment

    MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment is compatible with various computer systems, allowe easy integration with modern wellness platforms. machines support both Windows and Mac operate systems, ensure seamless operation with intuitive user interfaces clinicians.

    Technical Parameters MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment

    Here technical specifications MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment:

    Paramètre Spécification
    Tension 220V ± 22V
    Fréquence 50Hz ± 1Hz
    Total Power ≤ 1600W
    Liquid Flow ≥ 2L/min
    Water Temperature Range 10~40°C ± 2°C
    Time Range 0 to any data (in seconds)
    Niveau de bruit ≤ 65db
    filter Water Accuracy 1 µm

    Software Version and Languages

    MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment comes with software that supports multiple languages, include:

    Language Supported Software Version
    Anglais Version 3.5
    Espagnol Version 3.5
    Français Version 3.5
    Allemand Version 3.5
    italien Version 3.5

    Accessories Colon Cleanse Equipment

    MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment comes with variety accessories to ensure efficient and hygienic experience:

    Accessoire Spécification
    Peristaltic Pump High-quality, durable pump with long operational life
    LCD Touchscreen 15-inch high-definition touchscreen easy operation
    Water Purifier 5-layer filtration system high-quality water
    Rectal Tip Soft, medical-grade material comfort
    Sewage Pipe Durable, flexible pipe resistant to wear and tear

    Why Choose MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment?

    MAIKONG is known produce durable, high-quality colon cleanse equipment. Here’s why you should choose MAIKONG:

    • Technologie de pointe: We use cutte-edge technology to ensure best results.
    • Sustainability: Our machines eco-friendly and design longevity.
    • Cost-Effective: We offer competitive prices without compromise on quality.
    • Global Support: MAIKONG offers 24/7 customer support and Training options.

    Applications Colon Cleanse Equipment

    Colon hydrotherapy equipment is use in various fields:

    1. Centres de bien-être: Popular detox programs and digestive health treatments.
    2. Établissements médicaux: use prepare patients certain medical procedures and enhance gut health.
    3. Utilisation à la maison: Some individuals purchase machines home use to regularly detoxify systems.

    Colon Cleanse Equipment Price Range

    price Colon Cleanse Equipment varies depende on model and features. details price quote, Contacter Makong best offers and to become distributor or agent.

    Customer Pain Points

    We understand that customers often face these issues when buye Colon Cleanse Equipment:

    • High Costs: Our equipment offers affordable price without sacrifice quality.
    • Space Requirements: MAIKONG offers compact, space-efficient models suitable any clinic or wellness center.
    • Ease Use: With MAIKONG, user-friendly interfaces ensure even beginners can operate equipment.

    Pre and Post Colon Hydrotherapy Tips

    To maximize benefits colon hydrotherapy:

    • Before: Hydrate well and avoid heavy meals. Try to eat light foods like fruits or vegetables.
    • After: Drink plenty water and focus on clean, healthy diet to replenish your body.

    Colon Hydrotherapy Training

    Colon hydrotherapy Training is available worldwide, include in:

    • USA: International Association Colon Hydrotherapy offers certification.
    • Europe: Several European institutes provide extensive Training on hydrotherapy techniques.
    • Asia: Training centers in China and India growe rapidly.

    Installation Steps Colon Cleanse Equipment

    Steps sette up MAIKONG Colon Cleanse Equipment:

    1. Unbox equipment and check any damage.
    2. Connect water supply and drainage pipes.
    3. Install peristaltic pump and ensure it’s operational.
    4. Plug system into power source and run system check.

    Disposable Consumables Colon Cleanse Equipment

    MAIKONG provides followe consumables:

    • Rectal Tips: Disposable, to maintain hygiene.
    • Sewage Pipes: Disposable pipes waste removal.
    • Filters: High-quality filters water purification.

    Open vs. Closed Systems: What’s Difference?

    Fonctionnalité Open System Closed System
    Water Flow Gravity-fed Controlled pressure
    Comfort Level Less comfortable More comfortable
    Privacy Less privacy Greater privacy

    Who need Colon Hydrotherapy?

    Colon hydrotherapy is ideal for:

    • Individuals with chronic constipation or bloate.
    • Those seeke detoxification or general wellness.
    • Medical patients undergoe certain treatments like chemotherapy.

    What to Do Before and After Colon Hydrotherapy?


    • Avoid large meals or heavy foods.
    • Drink water to ensure hydration.


    • Avoid processed foods.
    • Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables digestion.

    Top 10 Brands in Market: Comparison

    Marque Modèle Avantages Disadvantages
    Maika MK-3D High-tech, user-friendly Cost-effective
    LIBBE LIBBE Pro Easy-to-use, affordable Less durable than MAIKONG
    Colena Colena Plus Affordable, compact Basic features
    HYDRO-SYSTEM HS-100 Great professionals Large size

    Why MAIKONG is Your Best Choice Colon Cleanse Equipment

    MAIKONG’s Colon Cleanse Equipment stands out its high-quality design, cutte-edge technology, and customizable features. Whether you sette up wellness center or looke home use equipment, MAIKONG offers best combination reliability, support, and performance.


    1. What is difference between open and closed colon hydrotherapy?
      • Open systems less private and use gravity-fed water, while closed systems offer more controlled and comfortable experience.
    2. How often should I use Colon Cleanse Equipment?
      • depends on your health goals. detoxification, once month is typical, but medical reasons, more frequent use might be necessary.
    3. Can I use Colon Cleanse Equipment home?
      • Yes, there models specifically design home use, though professional Training is recommended first-time users.
    4. Is MAIKONG equipment suitable beginners?
      • Absolutely MAIKONG’s user interface is intuitive, and our machines come with clear instructions first-time users.
    5. What costs associated with owne Colon Cleanse Equipment?
      • Costs can include initial price machine, consumables (filters, rectal tips), and maintenance. MAIKONG offers affordable price both equipment and consumables.
    6. How long colon hydrotherapy session last?
      • A typical session lasts about 30 to 45 minutes.

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    Vente cousultante: Mme Lucie
    Conseiller en vente : M. Mark
      Live: Lucygao1520            

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